

H T Collab Logos


16 - 23 September, 2023

Peace Week 2023 runs from September 16th through 23rd and embraces the International Day of Peace (IDP) celebrated globally on September21. Peace Week also represents the closing arc of the 99 Days of Peace through Unity.

We are a multi-cultural, intergenerational community beyond borders, at the intersection of science and spirituality, embracing indigenous wisdom, story-telling, music and conscious activism.

Together we are RISING to embody the justice, peace, healing and transformation we each envision for the world.

A global movement towards Peace, Unity
and a thriving world for all of Life

In this growing global movement towards Peace, Unity and a thriving world for all of Life, World Unity Week provides an ecosystem of spaces called “Convergence Rooms”, Zoom rooms that each follow a particular theme. Humanity As Organism Thrives is one such convergence room.

Our convergence is about:

It is based on the premise, “Where we are connected, we are well” ~ Dr. Tom Acklin. Our convergence is a safe space to bring your ideas, pioneering thoughts, heart-centred intentions and sovereign opinions.


We’re building ideas, bridges, peace & unity – all our events are conscious conversations and interviews to inspire:

  • Support for all of us as pioneering-edge leaders who are stewarding our collective into a space of Peace and Unity.
  • Practical applications for creating the world we wish to see through our collaborations that begin with our convergence.
  • Constructive contributions at our collective table. Attendees bring a sacred co-creation to the conversation – their presence, even without a verbal contribution, is a gift to our convergence.

BE in tribe - nurture your mind, body, spirit, one another & humanity.

Be part of Peace Week - join us:

Our offerings include:

  • Peacing Life Together: An intergenerational conversation at the collective table
  • Healing for Peace
  • Global Feast for Peace
  • Evolutionary Conversation
  • Living in Peace and Harmony: Exploring the pros and cons of a world government
  • Evolutionary Messages of Peace from around the world
  • Living in Peace and Harmony: Exploring the Pros and Cons of a World Government
  • Healing for Peace: Sonic Acupuncture & Akashic Records Reading Experience
  • Flamenco Chakras:  A (mini) Healing Journey
  • A Practical, Scalable True Democracy
  • Truth-Walking: Freeing Truth, Finding Reconciliation,& Facilitating Unitive Be-ing 
  • Growing Out of the Comfort Zone: the search for serenity in challenging times
  • Evolutionary Bites: Peaceful Food = Powerful Leadership
  • Connecting with Our Universe as a Means to Peace

About Humanity as Organism Thrives:

When we as aligned individuals bring our individual strengths to the table, we become a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts.  Where we are connected, we are well.  That is the significance of our convergence room – Humanity As Organism Thrives.

H T Collab Logos

by Dr. Tom Acklin and Haseena Patel

Speakers Include:

Haseena Patel

Haseena Patel

Healing for Peace: Sonic Acupuncture & Akashic Records Reading Experience
Truth-Walking: Freeing Truth, Finding Reconciliation,& Facilitating Unitive Be-ing

Dr. Tom Acklin

Dr. Tom Acklin

- Evolutionary Bites
-Growing Out of the Comfort Zone: the search for serenity in challenging times

Annie Spade

Annie Spade

Peacing Life Together: An intergenerational conversation at the collective table

Dr. Henriette Alban

Dr. Henriette Alban

- Transforming the Healer

Holly Blazina

Holly Blazina

Flamenco Chakras: A (mini) Healing Journey

Julie Heyman

Julie Heyman

Growing Out of the Comfort Zone: the search for serenity in challenging times

Sheila Cash

Sheila Cash

Evolutionary Messages of Peace from around the world

Elisabeth Williams

Elisabeth Williams

Evolutionary Messages of Peace from around the world

Anne Baring headshot 2023

Anne Baring

Evolutionary Messages of Peace from around the world

Lisa Berman

Lisa Berman

Global Feast for Peace

Brian Berman

Brian Berman

Global Feast for Peace

Danielle Paulsen

Danielle Paulsen

Peacing Life Together: An intergenerational conversation at the collective table

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Sonia Raghuber

Peacing Life Together: An intergenerational conversation at the collective table

Jodha Raghuber

Jodha Raghuber

Peacing Life Together: An intergenerational conversation at the collective table

Bree Dellerson

Bree Dellerson

Healing for Peace: Sonic Acupuncture & Akashic Records Reading Experience

Dr Herman Edeling

Dr. Herman Edeling

- Transforming the Healer

Brent Naseath

Brent Naseath

A Practical, Scalable True Democracy

Pamela Schreiner

Pamela Schreiner

Living in Peace and Harmony: Exploring the Pros and Cons of a World Government

Dr Ibtissam Klait

Dr. Ibtissam Klait

Living in Peace and Harmony: Exploring the Pros and Cons of a World Government

Laura Lee

Laura Lee

Connecting with Our Universe as a Means to Peace

Meet your hosts

Dr. Tom Acklin

Dr Tom Acklin

A leading-edge voice in neuroscience and GUT-BRAIN integrity, Neurologist Dr. Tom brings his expertise to people suffering with autoimmune conditions and cancer. He is a specialist in brain health and mental stability, loves the sciences of neural mechanisms dictating our habits and behaviors and is passionate about helping us understand the power of the Microbiome in reversing almost everything we call modern disease.

He is also a meditation facilitator, helping people celebrate the struggles in their lives, seeking mind-body clarity. His integrative work helps clarify energy medicine field dynamics and gives practitioners of all kinds new ways to optimize their patients’ abilities to receive the therapy they provide.

Haseena Patel

Haseena Patel

Haseena is the author of The Truth-Walker’s Journey:  The UN-Becoming of Who You Are Not. She hosts and facilitates Truth-Walker workshops for individuals, teams and organisations globally, fostering consciousness, peace-building, unity and a sense of personal sovereignty. As a healing breakthrough coach, she helps individuals to heal themselves to their next evolutionary level.  

Haseena has recently joined the team at The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence, an organ’isation and a co-creative collective serving the emergence of a conscious, harmonic humanity. She is co-founder of Leave No Girl Behind International, a non-profit focused on developing the next generation of leaders though Truth-Walker based leadership programs.  

To join us from June 16 to 23 at Peace Week - register here:

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